Statement of intent

Wellbeing Enterprises CIC acknowledges the right of people engaging with our services to receive a quality service that meets their individual needs and to complain if they are unhappy about the service delivered. Wellbeing Enterprises CIC also recognises that our ability to meet all the needs presented is severely constrained by lack of resources or contract restrictions, therefore complaints may need to be seen within this context.

This complaints procedure applies to complaints about the service Wellbeing Enterprises CIC offers to members of the public. It does not apply to complaints from staff members/volunteers/Directors or other employees.

The principles underlying the Complaints procedure:

1. Openness – complaints will be fully investigated and recorded, all parties kept informed and the procedure publicised. Any member of staff referred to will be given the chance to comment or answer any allegations, although where there is a case of misconduct any complaint about a staff member will be dealt with under the staff disciplinary procedures.  Complaints regarding members will be considered by a sub-committee of the Board of Directors.

2. Confidentiality – the complainant may wish to remain anonymous. If this is likely to limit the ability to follow up the complaint, the complainant will be told this and given assurances that any information s/he gives will only be used for the purpose it is given and not shared with anyone else except with his/her permission.  Information contained in an anonymous complaint cannot be used at any stage of any disciplinary procedure. 

3. Support for complainants – complainants will be offered information about how to get support from an independent source in putting their complaint e.g. User group or Citizens Advice Bureau.

The Complaints procedure

The procedure will have the following three stages:-

1st stage – Informal discussion

This will normally be between the complainant and a member of staff or Director acting as service co-ordinator. It will attempt to establish what the complaint is and to give an explanation that the complainant finds acceptable by investigating the complaint. The first stage should take place as soon as possible and definitely within a week of the complainant raising the matter.

2nd stage – Formal procedure

If not satisfied the complainant can register a formal complaint either verbally or in writing. If the complaint relates to a service that has employed staff the complaint will be investigated by the relevant line manager. If the complaint relates to a service from a contractor, the complaint will be investigated by a Senior Manager or Director. The person dealing with the complaint will carry out an investigation within 30 days and report their findings in writing to the complainant and any other parties referred to in the complaint.

3rd stage – Independent investigation

If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the formal investigation, an independent adjudicator acceptable to both sides will be asked to investigate. Possible adjudicators might include the Citizens Advice Bureau, Council for Racial Equality or other independent organisation. A timetable for investigation would be agreed with the adjudicator. Findings would be reported in writing to the parties and the decision of the adjudicator would be considered as final.

Recording complaints

All complaints will be recorded. The record will include the date of the complaint, the complainant’s name and address unless they wish to remain anonymous the form of the complaint i.e. in writing or verbal, who received it, what the details of the complaint were and what action was taken, by who and in what time scale.

Monitoring complaints

The Chair of the Board of Directors will report annually on complaints received during the year and policies and procedures will be reviewed where appropriate.